SOMA Laboratory
SOMA Pulsar-23 Semi-Modular Drum Machine 鼓机合成器
SOMA Pulsar-23 Semi-Modular Drum Machine 鼓机合成器
PULSAR-23 is an organismic drum machine designed by Vlad Kreimer. It has a semi-modular structure and consists of 23 independent modules. PULSAR can be used for the synthesis of percussion instruments and rhythms, bass and melodic lines, effects and sound landscapes, as well as a source of control voltage and powerful analog FX processor.
PULSAR-23是由著名乐器设计师Vlad Kreimer先生设计的Organismic型(关于该词的解释请详见LYRA-8产品详情,意为富有生命力的设备)鼓机。该鼓机采用半模块化结构,共由23个模块组合而成,因此得名PULSAR-23。PULSAR-23不仅仅是一款能够合成打击乐音色和节奏律动、谱写低音和旋律线乐句、并创造丰富声景的电子乐器,亦是一款功能丰富的,能够生成压控信号的模拟电路声音处理效果器。
The PULSAR functions in three different modes: stand-alone, MIDI control and CV control. Moreover, all the above features and control modes can work simultaneously in any proportion or combination.
PULSAR的共有三种工作模式:分别是独立模式、使用MIDI控制器控制模式、以及使用CV(Control Voltage|控制电压)控制模式。由于在PULSAR中,上述几种使用方式是共存共荣的状态,因此,您可以三管齐下,在进行声音合成的同时,兼用MIDI控制器或CV信号生成器调控音色。
Additionally, PULSAR offers live circuit bending capabilities and the use of the artist’s body conductivity to create patches and cross modulations. PULSAR continues the line of organismic synthesizers begun by LYRA-8, but now in the area of percussion instruments.
此外,PULSAR还提供了实时电路扰动功能(Reed Ghazala在上世纪60年代创造了Circuit Bending一词,意思是在演奏过程中对电子音乐设备的电路进行即兴修改,从而创造出的声音效果),会利用演奏者的身体充当导体连接信号并进行交叉调制。可以说,PULSAR-23就是合成鼓机届的LYRA-8。
PULSAR-23 main features|亮点功能
✿ 4 drum channels: Bass drum, Bass\Percussion, Snare drum, Cymbals\Hi-Hat
✿ 4 envelope generators with the unique ability to generate a sustain for the drum channels, turning them into noise\drone synthesizers.
✿ 4 independent loop recorders with the option for individual clocking. They record triggering events, not audio.
✿ Clock generator with an array of dividers as a very powerful tool for rhythm synthesis.
✿ Wide range LFO (0.1 – 5000Hz) with variable waveform.
✿ Shaos – a unique pseudo-random generator based on shift registers with 4 independent outputs, sample and hold and other cool features.
✿ FX processor with CV control incl. CV control of the entire DSP’s sample rate.
✿ Distortion.
✿ 2 CV-controlled gates.
✿ 2 CV-controlled VCAs.
✿ 2 controllable inverters.
✿ 4条鼓音色通道:低音鼓、低音鼓/小打、军鼓、镲片/踩镲
✿ 4组包络发生器,可控制鼓通道音色的延音长短,能够将鼓音色塑形为噪音/乐音音色
✿ 4套各自带有独立时钟源的乐句循环录制系统。这四套系统只录制触发事件,不记录音频信号
✿ 支持输出各种切分节奏的时钟生成器,该模块使得Pulsar成为了一款强大的节奏生成工具
✿ 振荡频率范围宽广(0.1-5000Hz)且可选振荡波形的低频振荡器
✿ Shaos - 一款独特的,基于移位寄存器的伪随机生成器,其带有4个独立的输出端口,并配备采样保持等炫酷的功能
✿ 可通过CV信号控制的效果处理器,甚至可以用CV信号控制效果处理器的内部采样率
✿ 失真效果器
✿ 2组用于控制电压量的门限器
✿ 2 组用于控制电压量的放大器
✿ 2 组用于控制电压量的逆变器
Also, it has MIDI control and synchronization and a lot of smaller modules such as 4 assignable attenuators and 2 dynamic CV sensors for CV generation etc. In general, there are 55 knobs, 11 switches and over 100 inputs and outputs for patching, Eurorack integration, external mixing and processing, live circuit bending!
It comes in a special HQ bag with 30 alligator clips cables and PSU.
PULSAR available in orange, black, white, mint, pink, black&gold, white&gold, red&gold, ZANZIBAR blue and Limited Edition options.
Please note that Pulsar is an experimental analog synth that means that it has some small noise and bleeds that can’t affect your studio production or live performance but can be hearable in some modes. If you need a perfect silence and isolation of sound modules we recommend using 100% digital hardware.