Roland AIRA Compact J-6 Chord Synth 和弦合成器
Roland AIRA Compact J-6 Chord Synth 和弦合成器
The J-6 Chord Synthesizer is an endless well of musical inspiration, pairing a powerful chord sequencer with the lavish tones of the renowned JUNO-60 synth. Generate soul-stirring song ideas in seconds, and experiment with styles and variations to coax dancing lines and rhythmic patterns from your chords. Add lush effects to frost your sound, and expand your possibilities by interfacing with other AIRA Compacts, MIDI hardware, and music production software.
J-6 和弦合成器将强大的和弦音序器与 JUNO-60 合成器的经典音色相结合,是源源不断的灵感源泉。短时间内构架出令人愉悦的乐句,并应用不同的风格和变化让和弦充满律动。与其他 AIRA Compacts 系列乐器、MIDI 硬件和移动端音乐 App 进行连接,添加多种效果让层次更加丰富,拓展更多可能。
With 100 chord sets spanning a wide range of genres, you’ll always find fresh fuel for songs and jams with the J-6. There’s no need to know chords or theory to make cool music—simply call up a set and compose chord progressions on the fly with one-touch presses on the keyboard. Generate ideas for new tunes, create accompaniment for live performances, or send chord information to other MIDI gear.
J-6 内置了 100 个涵盖多种经典流派的和弦集,总能让歌曲和即兴演奏充满新花样。无需了解和弦理论即可制作出华丽的乐句,只需按下按键,即可快速调出并编辑和弦。为新歌增添灵感,为现场表演创作伴奏,或将和弦发送到其他 MIDI 设备。
Using the J-6’s style banks and variations, it’s easy to infuse static chords with dynamic energy and compelling movement. Transform an idea with sweeping arpeggios and rhythmic phrases, and keep the groove running non-stop with a press of the hold button.
使用 J-6 的风格库和多种变化,让静止的和弦瞬间充满能量和动感,跃动起来。用清晰的琶音和节奏乐句让灵感在指尖起舞,按下 HOLD 按钮让律动不间断地运行。
Once you’ve got a chord progression in mind, bring it together with the J-6 chord sequencer. There are 64 patterns with up to 64 steps each, and you can quickly enter chords, style variations, single notes, and tempo changes in each step to mold your masterpieces.
脑海中浮现灵感创意时,将它带到 J-6 和弦音序器上即刻记录。J-6 可保存 64 种用户样式 Pattern,每个 Pattern 可记录多达 64 Step,您可以在每个 Step 中快速录入和弦、风格变化、单音符和速度变化,为您的作品添砖加瓦。
After you’ve captured a pattern on the J-6, hit play and inject even more color with tactile controls. Select different synth presets, tweak the filter and envelope in real time, and complete the picture with customizable reverb and delay effects.
在 J-6 上完成样式 Pattern 的设计之后,点击播放并用指尖的操控面板添加多种效果。选择不同的合成音色预设,实时调整滤波器和包络,并使用可自定义的混响和延迟效果完成整个作品。
The J-6 puts the influential synth sound behind decades of hits in your pocket or backpack. Our acclaimed Analog Circuit Behavior (ACB) technology realizes the famous JUNO-60 voice in flawless detail, complete with 64 presets derived from the original. Use the J-6 engine with the chord sequencer, play it from the onboard keyboard or an external MIDI controller, or use it as a sound module in an expanded setup.
J-6 将近几十年经典音乐背后的传奇合成器音色汇聚到口袋大小的迷你设备中。Roland 备受赞誉的模拟电路行为 (ACB) 技术真实再现了 JUNO-60 的音色细节 ,并继承了 JUNO-60 的 64 个即用型合成器预设。将 J-6 声音引擎与和弦音序器搭配使用,从内置键盘或外部 MIDI 控制器播放,或将其用作扩展设置的音源模块。
The J-6 has the connectivity you need to integrate with other AIRA Compacts and larger music rigs. Back your chord creations with drums and bass from the T-8 Beat Machine, and add evocative vocal textures with the E-4 Voice Tweaker. Or interface with computer DAWS, mobile music apps, and hardware instruments via USB-C or MIDI.
J-6 有着同 AIRA Compacts 系列乐器和其他音乐设备的强大连接和扩展能力。使用 T-8 节奏机 中的鼓和 BASS 来丰富和弦创作,并使用 E-4 人声效果器添加韵味十足的细节纹理。通过 USB-C 或 MIDI 与计算机 DAW、移动端音乐 App 和乐器硬件连接。
Compact and convenient, the J-6 is ready to deliver instant inspiration everywhere you go. The lithium-ion battery provides up to 4.5 hours of runtime per charge, while the rugged Roland build ensures years of musical pleasure.
J-6 小巧方便,能随时随地为您提供灵感。锂电池续航长达 4.5 小时,Roland 高品质的制造质量可陪伴您进行持久的音乐探索。