Arturia MicroFreak Hybrid Synthesizer
Arturia MicroFreak Hybrid Synthesizer
A synthesizer like no other, MicroFreak is a peculiar, exceptional instrument that rewards the curious musician. It blends wavetable and digital oscillators with analog filters. It features a unique poly-aftertouch flat keyboard. It adds controlled randomness to sequences. This isn’t a revolution, it’s a mutiny.
Un grain de folie|开始疯狂
Whether you’re looking for your first, affordable hardware synth or are a collector looking for original sounds and unique interface, MicroFreak is the synth you need.
This out-there little music machine features a versatile digital oscillator so you can create rare and interesting sounds with ease. Modes like Wavetable, KarplusStrong, Harmonic OSC, and 3 granular engines give adventurous musicians the chance to explore totally new, unheard possibilities.
这台设计精巧的音乐神器搭载了一款多功能的数字振荡器,您可以轻松捏制出独树一帜、令人着迷的音色。而MicroFreak所提供的“波表”(Wavetable)合成模式、“物理建模弦乐”(KarplusStrong)合成模式、“谐波振荡器”(Harmonic OSC)合成模式,以及三种粒子振荡器引擎,更是为前沿的音乐创作者打开了一扇探索未知、创新音乐领域的大门。
Like having dozens of synths in just one instrument, both wild-eyed newcomers and seasoned professionals will fall in love with MicroFreak’s flexible, powerful synth engine.
Small but fierce|轻巧规格,重磅性能
MicroFreak packs so much in to such a compact instrument, you'll wonder how we did it. We'd love to say it was magic, but it was pure skill and passion.
Physical modeling, wavetable synthesis, virtual analog, sample playback; there’s nothing as complete and exciting as the MicroFreak oscillator on the market. It's hard to believe from such a small synth, but here it is, ready for you to explore. Stimulate your creativity and reward your curiosity with a large, diverse sound palette. MicroFreak features 17 awesome oscillator modes, including 7 bespoke Arturia engines, 7 modes from Mutable Instruments, and 3 oscillator modes designed with Noise Engineering.
物理建模、波表合成、数字化模拟电路、采样回放;市场上尚未有任何一款合成器,能像MicroFreak的振荡器这般功能全面且新颖前卫。在如此小巧的设备中塞入如此丰富的功能,很多人认为是天方夜谭,但MicroFreak做到了,它就在这里等待您深入探索。MicroFreak提供了一块色彩缤呈的声音调色板,既能点燃您的创造激情,也能满足您勇于探索的好奇心。该设备配备有17种出色的振荡器模式,其中7种由Arturia的定制引擎驱动、7种源自于Mutable Instruments厂牌、另外3种由Arturia团队与Noise Engineering团队合作开发。
That’s a funny looking keyboard|妙趣横生的触摸式键盘
That’s right, it is. It isn’t really even a keyboard. It’s a PCB. Super-flat, with no moving parts. Will it track lightning-fast synth solos? You bet. Better than a traditional keyboard, actually.
Will it let you be expressive? Of course, it’s not only pressure sensitive, but also offers poly-aftertouch. This means each key can control parameters in a different way depending on how much you touch.
You can also use its USB, MIDI, and CV outputs to control instruments in your DAW and modular synths. This also means that you can also use MicroFreak as a controller to experience polyphonic aftertouch with cutting edge software instruments.
Taste the spice, throw the dice|还不够狂野?来掷个骰子
MicroFreak is packed with unique, exciting features that let you create music with a fresh perspective.
Record up to four automations, edit notes per step or use the innovative Spice and Dice sequencer functions to find happy accidents. Add randomization to create evolving, original patterns, and virtually rewire and reconfigure its signal chain and controls with the 5x7 modulation matrix.
This truly is a budget-friendly synth like no other.
The best of both worlds|强强联手
Even though MicroFreak has a digital oscillator at its heart, “opposites attract” as the saying goes. That’s why we’ve included a lush-sounding analog filter.
虽然MicroFreak的核心是一块数字振荡器,但俗话说的好 – 异性相荣。因此,我们还为这款设备配备了一块极具表现力的模拟滤波效果器。
Inspired by the trailblazing 12-dB SEM filter, you can make MicroFreak’s filter scream or whisper to taste. The filter is state-variable, and can even auto-oscillate! You can use this is any way you like, from taking the edge of the razor-sharp wavetable sounds, or automating the cutoff by modulating it with keyboard pressure or the in-built sequencer.
MicroFreak中的滤波效果器灵感源自于开创性的12-dB SEM滤波器,可以根据您的需求塑形出尖锐或温润的音色。滤波效果器具备多种工作模式,甚至能够实现自振荡。您可以利用此功能润色棱角分明的波表声音,或者使用键盘压力及内置的音序器对截止频率实现自动化处理。
Wait. Did we mention that MicroFreak has a sequencer? And a mod matrix? Things are about to get seriously interesting...
Main Features|主要功能
• Synthesizer with 512 preset slots and 320 factory presets
• 21 digital oscillator modes, from wavetable to sample playback & granular processing, plus engines from Mutable Instruments and Noise Engineering as well as the Vocoder mode
• Analog State Variable Filter, 12dB/octave, resonant, Low Pass, Band Pass, High Pass
• ADSR envelope
• Cycling Envelope offering two modes: Envelope, LFO
• LFO with Sync: Sine, Tri, Saw, Square, Random, Slew Random
• Modulation matrix with 5 sources and 7 destinations (3 custom destinations)
• Monophonic, Paraphonic or Unison modes - Up to 4 voices
• Chord mode lets you program a chord shape and play it on any note
• Scale Quantize lets you set a specific scale for the white notes to simplify the creative process
• 25-key capacitive keybed with polyphonic aftertouch
• Capacitive touch strip
• Crisp OLED display for editing and parameter values
• Powerful arpeggiator: Up, Order, Random, Pattern modes; Spice & Dice Gate randomizers
• 64-step sequencer: 2 patterns per preset; 4 automation tracks per preset
• CV / Gate / Pressure outputs
• USB, Clock and MIDI in and out
• 6.35mm master and 3.5mm headphone output
• 具备512套预设储存位以及320套原厂预设
• 具备21种数字振荡器模式,其中包括波表合成模式、采样回放模式、粒子合成模式、来自Mutable Instruments和Noise Engineering厂牌的多种合成模式,以及最新的声码器模式
• 具备模拟电路多模式滤波效果器,12dB/倍频程,共振量调节,低通模式,带通模式,高通模式
• ADSR包络曲线
• 具备带有两种模式的循环包络功能:Envelope包络模式、LFO低频振荡器模式
• 具备带有同步功能的低频振荡器:正弦波、三角波、锯齿波、方波、随机波形、平滑的随机波形
• 调制矩阵具备5种调制源和7种调制目标(其中3种为自定义目标)
• 具备“单音模式”(Monophonic)、“并音模式”(Paraphonic)与“”合声模式(Unison)– 最多4个声部
• 具备和弦功能,支持编写和弦模式并进行一键演奏
• 具备音阶量化功能,可以将调内音阶全部量化至白键,简化创作流程
• 具备带有复音触后功能的25键电容式键盘
• 具备电容式触摸条
• 具备清晰的OLED显示屏,用以显示编辑状态及参数数值
• 具备功能强大的琶音器:和弦内爬升模式、和弦内顺序播放模式、和弦内随机播放模式、随机生成乐句模式;Spice和Dice随机化功能
• 具备64步音序器:每套预设可存储2段乐句;每套预设可储存4条自动化序列
• 具备CV压控信号输出接口/Gate开关信号输出接口/ Pressure键盘压力信号输出接口
• 具备USB型输入输出接口/时钟信号输入输出接口/MIDI信号输入输出接口
• 具备6.35mm主输出接口及3.5mm主输出接口
What's in the box|包装内容
Box content
MicroFreak Unit
Universal PSU
Registration card
2x MIDI port adapters
Instrument dimensions
Size : 12.2 x 9.2 x 2.2 inches (311 x 233 x 55mm)
Weight : 2.3 lbs. (1.02 Kg)
MicroFreak 设备本体
尺寸:311 x 233 x 55mm
重量:1.02 Kg
Euan Dickinson
MASSIVE ATTACK gets creative
I think Arturia’s MicroFreak is a very special synthesizer, the best of two worlds converging. Although most synthesizer developers have opted for the world of modularity or analog, in this synth we can find a series of digital oscillators that are complemented by analog effects.
我认为Arturia MicroFreak是一款非常独特的合成器,完美地融合了模拟技术与数字技术的优势。大部分合成器开发者都倾向于进军模块化合成器领域或模拟合成器领域,但是MicroFreak却走上了不同的道路,采用数字振荡器核心,并搭配了模拟效果器进行功能补足。
Noise Engineering
Meets MicroFreak
They’re out to cram as much functionality, flexibility, and fun into as small a footprint as possible, by whatever means necessary. In their own words, this often means: “Digital when it works, analog when it works.”