Erica Synths
Erica Synths Drum Synthesizer LXR-02 六声部数字鼓机
Erica Synths Drum Synthesizer LXR-02 六声部数字鼓机
Two companies - Sonic Potions and Erica Synths joined efforts to develop a drum machine that would stand apart from the masses and the LXR-02 was born. The LXR is a full-fledged digital drum machine with an integrated sequencer. Its sound engine provides 6 different instruments, each with over 30 parameters to tweak, producing sounds from classic analog emulations to crunchy digital mayhem, thus offering some of the most extensive sound design capabilities found on a drum synthesizer. Its compact, durable design and clear user interface make it ideal for live gigs.
Sonic Potions与Erica Synths两大厂商携手并进,合力打造了这款在众多设备中脱颖而出的鼓机 - LXR-02。作为一款集成了音序器功能的全能型数字鼓机,LXR-02配备了一块包含六个声部的声音引擎,其中每个声部都拥有30多种可调参数,无论是合成经典的模拟风格音色,还是前卫的数字风格音色,LXR-02都能轻松应对,其丰富多变的声音设计能力使得其稳坐鼓音色合成器宝座。而其精巧的尺寸、坚固的质量、清晰易用的用户界面,更是深得用户青睐,可谓是现场演出利器。
✿ 6 drum voices
✿ Powerful sound design engine
✿ Over 30 adjustable parameters per voice
✿ Voice volume sliders
✿ Insert FX section
✿ 4 assignable 6,3" jack outputs (2x stereo or 4x mono)
✿ Full-size MIDI in/out
✿ Flexible, performance-oriented 64 step sequencer
✿ Performance mode with mutes, rolls, master bitcrush, and kit morphing
✿ Kit, Pattern, Performance, and Song memory
✿ SD card for easy FW updates and Project backup
✿ Headphone output
✿ Extensive MIDI implementation
✿ Durable and compact aluminum casing
✿ 6个鼓声部
✿ 强大的声音设计引擎
✿ 每个声部具备30多种可调参数
✿ 每个声部都配有单独的音量推子
✿ 4种可供选用的插入式效果器
✿ 4个可自由分配信号的6.3mm大三芯接口(2 x立体声模式或4 x单声道模式)
✿ 全尺寸MIDI输入与输出接口
✿ 操作灵活、为演奏着重做了优化的64步音序器
✿ 带有静音、滚奏、总线音质降低效果、和音色变形功能的演奏模式
✿ 借助储存卡可储存音色、乐句、演奏效果和完整歌曲(请联系客户获取60多套预设)
✿ 支持使用SD卡进行固件升级或工程备份
✿ 配有USB MIDI接口
✿ 配有耳机接口
✿ 深入适配MIDI协议
✿ 坚固耐用且设计精巧的铝制壳体